Exporter API

The Exporter API is part of the exporter service. The exporter service is responsible for handling data export requests as CSV or PDF files.

The exporter service expects 2 headers, the X-SITE-ID and Authorization so the request would be:

POST https://api.subsbase.io/exporter/{destination}
Authorization: Bearer {server token}
X-SITE-ID: {your site id}
{destination} represents where your request is going in our exporter files system.

Get Invoice PDF

        ids: [{invoiceId}],
        extraFees: (optional),
        downloadAll: Boolean,
        filter: (optional)
  • Use ids to specify a set of required invoice IDs.
  • Use downloadAll to download all invoices.
  • Use a filter to apply on downloadAll option. Check Invoice Variables, and Filter.
  • Use extraFees to add the pre-defined extra fees to the requested invoices. Check extra fees from Invoice Subtotal definition.

Get Invoice HTML

        id: {invoiceId},
        extraFees: (optional),

You should use either ids or downloadAll to request invoices downloads.
At least 1 is mandatory.

Export Invoices CSV

POST https://api.subsbase.io/exporter/invoices/list
Authorization: Bearer {server token}
X-SITE-ID: {your site id}
        filter: (optional)

Export Customers CSV

POST https://api.subsbase.io/exporter/customer/list
Authorization: Bearer {server token}
X-SITE-ID: {your site id}
        filter: (optional)