One-Time Payments


One-Time Payments offer a convenient way to bill your customers for one-time purchases that are non-recurring. These charges can include immediate purchases as well as cases where a customer is not associated with any specific plan subscription.

Create a One-Time Payment

To create a new 'one-time payment' link in your Subsbase site, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Admin Portal > One-Time Payments > "Create One-Time Payment" button.
  2. In the New One-Time Payment page, the first step is to enter the required Basic Info.
    • The Name is required for the one-time payment that helps you identify the charge internally on your Subsbase site.
    • The Code is a unique identifier automatically generated based on the internal Name you provide. You have the option to modify it during one-time payment creation, ensuring its uniqueness. However, once the one-time payment is created, the Code cannot be changed.
    • Choose the desired Currency for charging your customers and select the Tax Authority you are liable to pay taxes to, if any.
    • Utilize the Comments field to include any additional details about the charge.
    • By default, two required Info Fields (Name and Email) will be available, but you can add more through +Add.
  3. The second step is to specify the details of your Line Items.
    • Item Name and Description that will be displayed in the checkout.
    • Pricing Model: Choose your preferred Pricing Model in which you want to charge your customers.
    • Price: You can specify the price for the charge's price point, based on the pricing model you chose.
    • Discount: You can add discount(s), whether a fixed amount, percentage, or a combination of both.
    • Taxes: You can add a fixed amount or percentage tax to the one-time payment even if you will not select a Tax Authority in the Tax Invoicing section. This would determine, during invoicing, what taxes are applied to the price of the charge.
    • Extra Fees.
  4. The third step is to select a Tax Authority to which you are liable to pay taxes, if applicable.
  5. Finally, click "Create" to complete the process.

After creating the 'one-time payment' link, you can easily share it with your customer, enabling them to make a one-time payment throught the "On-Session Payment" feature.

Additional Rules

  • Once you have completed the primary steps for creating a new one-time payment, you can proceed to open the One-Time Payment Profile and further configure additional details.
  • Each One-Time Payment Profile offers a wealth of details. Navigation is facilitated through tabs at the top, including Line Items, Info Fields, Tax Authority, and Details.
  • You can also delete the one-time payment using the "Delete" button.

On-Session Payment

  • On-session payment refers to a payment processing flow in which the customer's card information is not stored or tokenized for future use.
  • When a customer checks out and pays, their payment details are used only for that specific transaction, and the information is not retained by us.

Here is how the process typically works:

  1. Customer Checkout: When your customer makes a purchase on your website or through your app, they enter their payment details, such as credit card number, expiration date, and CVV, during the checkout process.
  2. Payment Authorization: The payment information is securly sent to the chosen payment provider to request authorization for the payment. The payment provider then contacts the card issuer (bank or financial institution) to request authorization for the transaction. Upon receiving the authorization response from the card issuer, the payment provider forwards this information back to Subsbase, indicating whether the payment is authorized.
  3. Invoice Creation: Once the payment is authorized, Subsbase generates an invoice that includes relevant purchase details, such as the items purchased and the total amount paid.
  4. Transaction Processing: If the card issuer approves the transaction, the payment provider proceeds to process the payment and transfers the funds to your account.
  5. Customer Profile Creation (for "One-Time Payment Link" first-time users): In the case of a customer using a "Payment Link" for the first time on Subsbase, a customer profile is automatically created for them. The profile includes default information required for a one-time payment link, such as the customer's name and email address. Additionally, Subsbase can collect any other necessary details from the customer, such as phone number or address, based on your specific requirements.
The customer's payment information, including credit card number and CVV, is not stored or tokenized for future use. The customer profile will only hold information provided by the customer during checkout, such as name, email, and phone number, etc.
  1. No Tokenization: In an on-session payment flow without tokenization, the crucial distinction is that the customer's payment information (credit card number, CVV, etc.) is not stored or tokenized for future use. Tokenization involves replacing sensitive data with unique identification tokens that are meaningless to attackers even if intercepted. However, in this scenario, no tokenization is performed, and the actual payment information is not saved on our servers.

Listing Page Actions

Export All

By clicking the "Export All" button, you can view a comprehensive list of all payment links present on your site.

View Settings

Through the "View Settings" icon, you can customize the way your payment links list is displayed according to your preferences.


The Actions column provides three options for each one-time payment:

  • Copy the one-time payment link
  • Open the checkout for the one-time payment
  • Delete the one-time payment link

Search and Sort By

Payment Links can be searched by Name and Code.

Sort by

  • You can sort payment links by Name, Status, or Invoice Currency.
  • And by clicking on the arrows next to them, you can switch between ascending and descending orders.