

The Customers' page on the Admin Portal includes all your customers/subscriptions. A subscription is created when a customer subscribes to one of your plans, and this is how Subsbase tracks when and how much to bill the customer.

Subscription Statuses

StatusWhat does it mean?
ACTIVATINGThe subscription is in the process of being set up and activated for use.
ACTIVEThe subscription is currently in effect and operational, allowing access to the subscribed services.
CANCELEDThe subscription has been terminated and will no longer be active.
CANCELINGThe process of canceling the subscription is in progress, but it has not been officially terminated yet. It can be resumed at a later time.
CHANGEDThe subscription has been changed from one plan to another.
CHANGINGThe subscription is currently in the process of being changed.
FUTURE STARTThe subscription is scheduled to begin at a future date, and it is not currently active.
IN TRIALA trial period during which customers can access limited or free services before deciding on a full subscription.
NO SUBSCRIPTIONThe customer currently does not have an active subscription, indicating the absence of any available subscribed plans.
PAUSEDThe subscription has been temporarily paused but is not canceled. It can be resumed at a later time.
SUSPENDEDThe subscription has been temporarily suspended and it is not currently active.

Creating a New Customer

A customer can be created through the web interface (Subsbase Site) in three ways:

Through the Customers page

You can create a new customer through the Customers page on the Admin Portal by clicking on the "New Customer" button at the top right side, filling in the required fields, then "Save."

Through the Draft Invoices page

You can also create a new customer through the Draft Invoices page on the Admin portal. While creating a new Draft Invoice, you have the option to create a new customer instead of choosing from existing ones. So, by clicking on "Create a new One" under the Customer field, you can add a new customer.

Through the Payment Schedules page

You can also create a new customer through the Payment Schedules page on the Admin portal. While creating a new Payment Schedule, you have the option to create a new customer instead of choosing from existing ones. So, by clicking on "Create a new One" under the Customer field, you can add a new customer.

Managing Customer Profiles

As an admin, you have complete access to your customers' information via the Customer Profiles. By navigating to the Customers page on the Admin Portal and selecting a customer from the list, you can preview their profile. To access comprehensive details, edit information, update subscription status, or modify plans, click on the "View Profile" button.


Profile Summary

  • Available Balance: This section displays the current amount of money in the customer's account. A positive balance indicates that the customer has money in their account, while a negative balance indicates an outstanding amount to be paid later.
    • The available balance can be calculated as follows:
      Available Balance = ∑Transactions − ∑Invoices − ∑Scheduled Payments
      • Total Transactions: This refers to the sum of all captured and refunded transactions.
      • Total Invoices: This refers to the sum of invoices, excluding those that have been voided, are related to scheduled payments or payment schedules; with a date earlier than or equal to today's date, or have been paid or partially paid.
      • Total Scheduled Payments: This refers to the sum of scheduled payments, excluding those that have been voided; with a date earlier than or equal to today's date, or have been paid or partially paid.
  • Status: This section displays customer status, next billing cycle, invalid date, lifetime revenue, total MRR, and payments.
  • Customer ID: This section displays the Customer ID and you can customize it by clicking on "Edit."
  • Details Section: Shows the customer's details you specified on the "Settings" tab.
    • Pinning Important Info Fields: Pin or unpin important customer details in the Details Section for quick access by using the pin icon in the "Settings" tab.
  • Payment Methods: Displays the default payment method associated with the customer's profile. You can also add, delete, or request new payment methods through the "Settings" tab.
    Additionally, when the card is about to expire, you can request an update from your customer from the "Payment Methods" section in the Profile Summary or update it from the "Settings" tab.
    You can request customers to add and update their payment methods through APIs.

Subscription Management

Navigate to the "Subscriptions" tab on the Customer Profile to manage a customer's subscription.

  • Use the ellipsis (...) to perform actions such as get usage, suspend, pause, resume, change, or cancel the subscription.
    • You have the option to cancel the subscription immediately or at the end of the billing cycle.
    • If you choose to cancel a subscription at the end of the billing cycle, you will have the option to resume it later on. However, if it is canceled immediately, the option to resume will not be available.
  • Add plan(s) directly to customers through the "Add Plan" button.
Edit Addons
  • Admins can also adjust the quantity of plan addons a customer is subscribed to right from the Customer Profile through the "Edit" icon located in the Addons section. This allows them to easily increase or decrease addon quantities based on their needs.
  • Following this adjustment, the "Addons have changed" event notification will be sent to the customer, informing them of the change in addon quantity.
    Please note that customers will not be notified until the event is configured to send a notification.
  • Adjusting the quantity of plan addons can also be done through the API.

  • If the quantity is increased, the modification takes effect immediately. Accordingly, an invoice is promptly generated to reflect the updated subscription details after prorating the difference. The old quantity's status will be "Changing," and the new quantity's status will be "Activating." Once the invoice is paid, the old quantity's status will change to "Changed," and the new quantity's status will be "Active."
    If the invoice is not paid, the admin cannot make any more changes to the quantity until paying.

  • If the quantity is decreased, the modification is scheduled to take effect at the end of the billing cycle. Consequently, an invoice reflecting the change will be generated at that time. The old quantity's status will be "Changing," and the new quantity's status will be "Activating." Once the billing cycle ends and the invoice is paid, the old quantity's status will change to "Changed," and the new quantity's status will be "Active."
    • If the quantity is decreased to zero (cancel), the modification is scheduled to take effect at the end of the billing cycle and the old quantity's status will transition to "Canceling." Once the billing cycle ends, the old quantity's status will change to "Canceled."

Payment Schedules

  • Access the "Payment Schedules" tab within the Customer Profile to manage customers schedules efficiently, including the ability to create new schedules directly from the profile interface.
  • Clicking on a schedule card opens the Scheduled Payments list for further details. Within the list you have the ability to:
    • Keep track of the amounts need to be paid on a schedule.
    • Send a payment link to your customer for a scheduled payment.
    • Add a new payment to your schedule if the invoicing configuration is set to "No Invoicing" or "Per Payment Invoice."
    • Export, Mark as Paid, or Delete any of your scheduled payments.

More Customer Information

  • Each customer's profile offers a wealth of details. Navigation is facilitated through tabs at the top, including Subscriptions, Payment Schedules, Invoices, Transactions, Settings, and Activity Logs.
  • Detailed information can be gained by clicking on specific invoices or transactions.

Add Plan

Subsbase allows you to directly add plans to your customers without requiring any input from them to complete the plan subscription process. When adding a plan, the admin has the option to fill in any missing information, make customizations, or request the customer to provide the necessary details.

How to Add Plan

Adding a plan can be through the Admin Portal, the Customer Portal, or the API.

Add Plan through Admin Portal

To add a plan to a customer, open the customer's profile from the "View Profile" button > click on the "Add Plan" button at the top right side in the customer's Subscriptions tab > navigate through the Plan Picker to pick a plan, then click "Ok" to proceed with the subscription process or "Cancel" if you choose not to continue.

The Plan Picker contains all the existing plans on your site and can be filtered by day, week, month, quarter, or year; and sorted by price.

  • If all required information for the plan you picked is already available (saved on the customer's profile), the admin will be able to directly add the plan to their customer.
  • However, if there is any missing information, the admin is enabled to fill them in through the "Required Fields" pop-up box that will appear once they click "Ok" on the plan they picked to be added to a customer.
  • If the admin require essential information from the customer for a chosen plan, they can mark the necessary info fields by checking the "Fill by customer" checkboxes, then "Save." Subsequently, we will automatically notify the customer to complete the plan subscription process by providing the required information.
    • A validation rule is in place to indicate the input's validity: valid inputs will be denoted with a green checkmark, while invalid inputs will display a red warning icon. For instance, if a number is required in a specific info field and the customer enters text instead, the input will be flagged with a red marker.
The Required Fields popup box is only relevant to the new required information associated with the newly picked plan the admin wants to add to a customer. As for the information already stored in a customer's profile, the admin has the authority to make edits.
  • Info Fields: Contains the required info fields associated with the newly picked plan the admin wants to add to a customer. The fields are empty to be filled in by the admin or the customer, as per the above-mentioned steps.
  • Customization: Contains the info fields that are related to the plan configuraiton set by the admin during plan creation.
    • For instance, this may involve details about addons or plans with variable pricing, such as tiered plans.
  • Future Start: Contains a value field that indicates the number of days after which a subscription will start. So, if the admin enters 20 in the Future Start field, the plan will be added to the customer right away, but the plan subscription will start after 20 days.
    If the customer has not provided the required information for the newly picket plan before the configured start date in the "Future Start" field, the checkout session will expire. Consequently, the plan subscription will not start, and the admin will need to initiate the plan addition process again.

If a subscription displays a "Future Start" status, it indicates that the subscription is planned to start at a future date and is not currently active.


Bulk Add

You can select multiple customers and perform a bulk add plan action for them. This can be done through the "Bulk Action" button on the Customers Page within the Admin Portal.

The customer is always enabled to Add, Change, or Cancel their plan(s) through their profile on the Customer Portal.

To learn more about how customers manage their subscriptions, please check out Customer Portal.

Change Plan

Subsbase allows you to change your customers' plans by easily moving from one plan to another. Plans can be changed immediately or at the end of the billing cycle.

A plan can only be changed if its subscription status is "Active."

How to Change Plan

Changing a plan can be through the Admin Portal, the Customer Portal, or the API.

Change Plan through Admin Portal

To change a plan to a customer, open the customer's profile from the "View Profile" button > go to Subscriptions tab and click on the ellipsis (...) then choose "Change" > navigate through the Plan Picker to pick a plan, then click "Ok" to proceed with the subscription process or "Cancel" if you choose not to continue.

The Plan Picker contains all the existing plans on your site and can be filtered by day, week, month, quarter, or year; and sorted by price.

  • If all required information for the plan you picked is already available (saved on the customer's profile), the admin will be able to directly change the plan to their customer.
  • However, if there is any missing information or needed customization, the admin is enabled to fill them in through the "Required Fields" pop-up box that will appear once they click on "Ok" on the plan they picked for their customer.
  • If the admin require essential information from the customer for a chosen plan, they can mark the necessary info fields by checking the "Fill by customer" checkboxes, then "Save." Subsequently, we will automatically notify the customer to complete the plan subscription process by providing the required information.
    • A validation rule is in place to indicate the input's validity: valid inputs will be denoted with a green checkmark, while invalid inputs will display a red warning icon. For instance, if a number is required in a specific info field and the customer enters text instead, the input will be flagged with a red marker.
The Required Fields popup box is only relevant to the new required information associated with the newly picked plan the admin wants to change for a customer. As for the information already stored in a customer's profile, the admin has the authority to make edits.
  • Info Fields: Contains the required info fields associated with the newly picked plan the admin wants to add to a customer. The fields are empty to be filled in by the admin or the customer, as per the above-mentioned steps.
  • Customization: Contains the info fields that are related to the plan configuration set by the admin during plan creation.
  • Action: Contains two options to choose from while changing your customer's plan, either to change the plan immediately or at the end of the billing cycle.

Change Timing

A plan can be changed immediately or at the end of the billing cycle.

Change Plan Immediately

  • Immediate plan change will bill the customer for the change right away.
  • The customer will be charged for the difference in cost immediately. This means an invoice will be created and a transaction will be made using the Payment Method listed in the customer's profile.
  • In the case of the prepaid billing model of a plan, the customer is only charged for what they used. So if there is any portion of the subscription that a customer has paid for but will not use due to the immediate change to another plan, we credit them for that amount. As they will not be using the product or service for the remainder of the billing cycle, this portion is returned as a credit and applied as a discount on their new subscription bill.
  • In the case of the postpaid billing model of a plan, the customer is charged for what they used or consumed.

Change Plan at the End of the Billing Cycle

  • When a plan's change action is set to "End of Billing Cycle," Subsbase saves the change and switches the subscription's status to "Changing." And when the change is applied at the end of the billing cycle, the subscription's status updates to "Changed."
  • A "Changed" subscription is like a "Canceled" one, its plan can not be edited.
  • In the case of changing the plan at the end of the billing cycle, there is no need to prorate the amounts. We will make the necessary adjustments to the subscription and then create an invoice for the customer reflecting the new amount.

Bulk Change

You can select multiple customers within a specific plan and perform a bulk change action for them. This can be done through the "Bulk Action" button on the Customers Page within the Admin Portal.

The customer is always enabled to Add, Change, or Cancel their plan(s) through their profile on the Customer Portal.

To learn more about how customers manage their subscriptions, please check out Customer Portal.


A surcharge, an extra fee within a billing cycle, covers specific costs or expenses associated with your services or products.

  • It only applies to the current billing cycle for both prepaid and postpaid plans.
  • When added, surcharges generate separate invoices at the end of the billing cycle.
  • Taxes, if applicable, are imposed on the surcharge invoices.

Add Surcharge to Billing Cycle

You can add surcharges in two different ways:

  1. Admin Portal: Within the Customer Profile's Subscriptions tab, select the current billing cycle from the list. In the Surcharge section, you can add the desired surcharge.
  2. Billing Cycles API: Utilize this API Add Surcharge to Billing Cycle to integrate surcharges into a current billing cycle.


Remove Surcharge from Billing Cycle

You can remove surcharges in two different ways:

  1. Admin Portal: Within the Customer Profile's Subscriptions tab, select the current billing cycle from the list. In the Surcharge section, you can remove the desired surcharge.
  2. Billing Cycles API: Utilize this API Remove Surcharge from Billing Cycle to remove surcharges from a current billing cycle.

Usage Query Result

The default setting for the usage query is Both (manual entries and automatic queries). You have the option to adjust these settings through the "Usage Calculation" settings.

Get Usage

  • You can manually fetch usage data through the "Get Usage" button.
  • It retrieves usage data from the start of the current billing cycle up to the moment it is clicked.
  • It is only available for current billing cycles.
  • It retrieves a single endpoint response for the usage query triggered at the end of the billing cycle.


  • The retry option is only displayed when querying usage at the end of a billing cycle results in a failure response. This occurrence does not involve manual triggering and is limited to old billing cycles.
  • You can also initiate this action using the Billing Cycles API Retry Post Billing
It is important to note that the "Retry" button will not be visible if the plan's usage mode is set to manual. To make the "Retry" button visible, the plan's usage mode should be configured as automatic or both (manual entries and automatic queries).

Manual Usage Entry

  • Admins can manually add or delete usage data within a billing cycle.
  • It only applies to the current billing cycle for plans with post billed items (plan and/or addons).
  • There are two methods to edit manual usage entry:
  1. Admin Portal: Navigate to the Customer Profile, then access the Subscriptions tab. Within the Billing Cycles list, select the current billing cycle and manage manual usage entry by adding or deleting entries in the dedicated section.
  2. Billing Cycles APIs: Manual usage entry can also be accomplished through Add Usage Entry and Delete Usage Entry.

Listing Page Actions

Export All

By clicking the "Export All" button, you can view a comprehensive list of all customers present on your site.

View Settings

Through the "View Settings" icon, you can customize the way your customers list is displayed according to your preferences.

Search and Filters

  • Customers can be searched by Name and email.


You can filter your customer subscriptions in two ways:

  • The Quick Filters, found at the top of the Customers page, where you can filter subscriptions by groups: All Subscriptions, Active Subscriptions, or Inactive Subscriptions.
  • The Filter icon, found at the top right side next to the "View Settings" icon, where you can filter by Subscription Status, Active Plan, and/or Joined Between.

Sort by

  • You can sort subscriptions by Name, Email, or First Joined (date).
  • And by clicking on the arrows next to them, you can switch between ascending and descending orders.