

Subsbase uses JWT as the main means to authenticate any operation (Query or Mutation). The token follows the standard JWT format and it is to be sent with any request in an Authorization header and preceded by the keywords Bearer.


Authorization: Bearer {your received jwt goes here}
All tokens are valid for 4 hours after which a new token needs to be requested.

Types of Tokens

There are 2 types of tokens that would be used to interact with the Subsbase Backend:

  1. Server Tokens
  2. Customer Tokens (your customer/subscriber)

Server Tokens

Server tokens are specifically intended for backend-to-backend communication purposes. It assumes that the communication is coming from a trusted source and is consumed by your backends.

The server token should not be leaked to the frontend as it gives full access to your Subsbase account.

A server token is requested through:

X-SITE-ID: {your site id}

The server token could then be used to either Query or Mutate data directly or used to authenticate a customer for further processing.

query GetApiToken {
  getApiToken(siteId: "{your site id}", apiSecret: "{your api secret}") {
  • A true value in the isSuccess fields indicates a successful operation and the token would be in the value field. Otherwise, the message would include more information about any error(s) that might have occurred
  • You can find your API secret in the Settings > Webhook and API Settings page on your Admin Portal.
  • {your site id} is the case-sensitive site id you want to use and which contains the plans you need to attach. Your Subsbase Admin Portal link is in the form of https://{your_siteId}
The API Secret should be treated like a password, so it is not to be shared or hardcoded in your code-base repositories. Failure to keep the API secret private could allow attackers or hijackers to push fraudulent information about your customers/subscribers to your backend services.

If you feel the API secret has been comprised during the testing/development phases, you can easily regenerate a new secret in the Settings > Webhook and API Settings page in your Admin Portal.

Customer Tokens

Customer tokens are used to authenticate a specific customer. They are commonly used to enable customers to manage their subscriptions, granting them access to edit, pause, or cancel their plans. The token is expected to be returned to the browser with additional requests originating from the browser within a user's active session.

The Customer Token only allows action to be taken on that specific customer and does not allow access to plans, coupons, invoices, or any other info that are not customer specific.

A customer token is requested through the following Query to

Requesting a Customer Token requires that a server token is used to authenticate the request. The server token is expected in the Authorization header.
query GetCustomerToken {
    customerId: "{the customerId that will proceed with the token}"
  ) {
  • A true value in the isSuccess fields indicates a successful operation and the token would be in the value field. Otherwise, the message would include more information about any error(s) that might have occurred.

Data Flow
